
Cheerleading at SPC was not the cheerleading we have today.  Cheerleading on campus was first mentioned in the September 27th 1932 issue of The Procopian news when they ran an article about Jospeh "Gabby" Skokan being voted on to be the Varsity Cheer leader for that year's sports teams.  The squad expanded and cheered on the student Rat Pack from the sidelines until 1958 when for the first time girls from the surrounding area were incorporated into the squad.  The ratio of girls to boys stayed around 3:3. For the first time the cheerleading squad was included in the yearbook with a picture in 1961.  In 1968 when SPC incorporated women into the school the female cheerleaders were chosen from the school population instead of from the surrounding area.

1970 marked the first year when there were two separate entities entertaining the crowd during football and basketball games: the cheerleaders and the pom-pom squad and by 1971 both squads were entirely made up of women.  The idea of bringing the males back into the squad was incorporated in 1993 starting during the basketball season.  The cheerleaders also started attending the UCA/UDA camps during the summer and in 1996 and 1997 they qualified for the UCA/UDA College Nationals.  In 2004, the squad placed second at the AmeriCheer Great Lakes Championship in 2004.